Here at PRS, we’ve created five key solutions that are essential to achieving long-term, sustainable reliability in your organisation.
With clients over the world, and with long careers in the world of reliability, our five PRS training programmes facilitate change in a powerful way.
Reliability Focus ™ is our range of reliability solutions, offering the ultimate suite of reliability training available.
These programmes are centred around building a culture, concept and process of continuous improvement, and an organisation-wide, reliability-focused culture, that addresses the key elements of an organisation’s reliability journey.
These solutions will deliver improved equipment effectiveness, operational performance and maintenance cost efficiency while improving business culture, teamwork and the motivational elements of running a manufacturing organisation.
For those of us at PRS, we believe that truly sustainable reliability, creating a reliability-focused culture, and refining the processes that guide the reliability journey, can be achieved successfully only when all hands are on deck. It takes everybody playing their part to make reliability a real living process throughout the organisation.
It’s this business-wide participation in not only the programme but the reliability journey on the whole, that also helps to generate employee engagement, a key part of ensuring your employees are invested in and connected to the business. (If that isn’t a “two birds one stone” scenario, we’re not sure what is!)
This blog explores our “Defect Elimination” programme, one of five belonging to our Reliability Focus ™ range of solutions.
The Programme
In the workplace, regardless of our position, we’re often expected to be natural problem solvers.
Experience shows that this is not always the case.
Many organisations don’t have a structured problem-solving process in place, and individuals are expected to identify and implement solutions, to prevent problems from reoccurring. To achieve defect elimination, we must be adequately trained to provide these processes.
Of course, the type of analysis required will be dependent on the size and scale of the problem. But how are individuals supposed to identify the correct type of analysis, with little day-to-day experience in problem-solving processes?
PRS have the answer. Our easy use, and easy to execute Root Cause Analysis training programme, will help you investigate your near misses, defects, accidents and other problems, with a consistent approach and understanding.
Highly experienced in deploying Root Cause Analysis training, both independently, and within the organisations of international clients, you can be sure we’ve left no stone unturned in bringing our best RCA practices to your organisation.
Further Information
If you are interested in performing a Reliability Maturity Self-Assessment at your facility or would like to develop a roadmap for your Reliability future, then please get in touch.